Submitting Required Invoices for Regular Contract Work

Submitting Required Invoices for Regular Contract Work

This article is part of the Working with Blockworx section.
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Introduction to Required Invoices

On the Blockworx platform, there is a Required Invoices section which refers to invoices property management companies require you to submit for items of regular contracted work that you undertake for them. They will sometimes refer to this as Diarised Charges. This is an option that property management companies use to cut down on the number of repeat invoices that they need to post to their clients in each given month. These charges are generated automatically in their back-office system. However, they require an invoice (or sometimes a checklist document) to be submitted by the contractor to share with their clients to allow them to view information about the work corresponding to these charges.

This article will guide you through the process of viewing your Required Invoice requests and responding to these by uploading an invoice or document. Alternatively, as this is fixed amount contract work, you may find it easier for Blockworx to generate an invoice for you.

You can only submit these through the Blockworx Web Portal and not on the Blockworx App.

Accessing your Required Invoice Requests

  1. To access a required invoices request click on the Required Invoices tab in your Blockworx header bar at the top of the screen.

  2. This will open the Required Invoices screen which will display a list of your recurring contract work where invoices need to be submitted to the property management company.
    The most recent requests will appear at the top of the list. Any which have not been viewed will appear in bold text.

  3. Click on a required invoice request and you will be taken through to the Details screen.

  4. On the left of the screen, you will see a summary of the details for the recurring contract work as the property management company has entered it together with the amount due to be paid to you for the agreed period.

  5. You will notice there is also an option on the right of the screen to send comments back to the property management company should you wish to do so.
The Sending and Receiving Comments in Blockworx article provides additional information about how to use the Comments feature within a Required Invoice.

Responding to a Required Invoice Request

To respond to a Required Invoice request, you can either submit your own invoice covering the amount and period of the request or you can have Blockworx create an invoice covering this period which you can submit.

Submitting your own Invoice File

To attach your own invoice file follow the steps below:
  1. Click on the Attach your Invoice File button in the Your Invoice Details section at the bottom of the screen.

  2.  This will open a file upload area.

  3.  You can either drag and drop a file from a folder on your computer onto the files area or you can click on the shaded area and browse for a file from your computer and upload this.

  4.  Your file will now display in the shaded files area.

  5. You are now ready to click on the orange Submit button at the bottom of the screen.

    1. You will see a confirmation message for the submission of this file appear on-screen.

    2. You will notice that the Status for this required invoice has now been updated to Submitted.

    3. If you need to double-check that you have uploaded the correct invoice, there is an option to view this by clicking on the Download Invoice button which will be available in the Your Invoice Details section.

Your invoice or checklist file has now been submitted to the property management company for them to check this and process it for payment.

Submitting a Blockworx Created Invoice File

Required Invoice requests from the property management company for the regular contracted work will already contain the agreed invoice amount. As an alternative to uploading your own invoice file, you can choose to submit an auto-created invoice Blockworx invoice.

Follow the steps below to do this:
  1. Click on the orange Create Your Invoice button in the Your Invoice Details section at the bottom of the screen.

  2. You will see a message telling you that your invoice will be generated when you click on the Submit button.

  3. Click on the orange Submit button at the bottom of the screen.

    1. You will see a confirmation message for the submission of this invoice appear on-screen.

    2. The Blockworx created invoice has now been submitted to the property management company for them to process it for payment.

    3. If you need to double-check the details of the invoice Blockworx has created and submitted, there is an option to view this by clicking on the orange Download Invoice button in the Your Invoice Details section.
If you would like to have your company logo appear on the Blockworx created Required Invoice but haven’t added this yet, the Uploading your Company Logo article will guide you through this process.

There is an option to upload your own required invoice files in bulk to the property management companies you carry out work for using Blockworx's Assisted Invoice feature. This article will take you through set up for using the bulk processing and this article will cover the bulk processing itself.

Please note that you will have to set up a Blockworx Subscription to be able to submit your required invoices. This article will guide you through the process of setting up a Blockworx Subscription.

You will only be able to receive requests for required invoices from property management companies you are already linked with on Blockworx. This article will take you through the process of linking to a property management company.

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