Working with Blockworx Contractors - Linking and Unlinking Contractors

Working with Blockworx Contractors - Linking and Unlinking Contractors

This article is part of the Working with Blockworx Contractors section.

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The Dashboard Card for Link Requests

To work with contractors using Blockworx, their Blockworx account must be linked to their Purchase Ledger Account in CPL. Contractors will initiate the link request, and you'll need to process it.

This is done through the Blockworx Contractor Link Requests dashboard card:
  1. Superusers have access by default. 

  2. For other users, you need assign the "Dashboard Blockworx Link Requests" permission:

  1. To assign this permission, go to System > System Parameter > Permissions in the top menu and follow this guide.

Make sure your CPL database is set up to use the dashboard. If you're unsure, contact CPL Support for confirmation.

To always view the Dashboard after logging in, ensure the Disable the Welcome Dashboard option is unchecked in your user account:

The Blockworx Contractor Link Requests card may already appear on your Dashboard. If not, follow these steps to add it:
  1. Click Stats in the top menu to open the Dashboard.

  2. Click on the cog icon in the top-left corner to open the Dashboard Settings.

  3. Tick the Active box next to Blockworx Contractor Link Requests.

  4. Click the green checkmark to save changes:

  5. Click OK in the confirmation pop-up.
The new card will now appear on your dashboard.

This dashboard card displays your Company Code. Send it to any contractors you wish to link with:

Contractors can find instructions on sending a link request in this article from the Blockworx for Contractors series.

Processing Link Requests

To process link requests and link contractors to their PL Accounts, follow these steps:
  1. Go to the Blockworx Contractor Link Requests card on your Dashboard.

  2. If there are any link requests, a message will appear with the requests listed for approval.:

  3. To deny a request, click Deny.

  4. To link the contractor, click Link to PL Account.

  5. To search for the contractor’s PL Account, enter their name in the Account Holder Name field and click Find:

  1. A list of matching accounts will appear. Select the correct account and click OK
    1. The contractor will be linked to the account.
Once linked, the contractor can submit estimates, jobs and invoices from Blockworx to CPL.

Removing a Link with a Contractor

To remove a link with a contractor, follow these steps:
  1. Go to the Purchase Ledger tab in your main CPL screen.

  2. Search for the contractor’s account and open it.

  3. Click the Unlink Blockworx Contractor button:

Once unlinked, the contractor will no longer be able to send comments and files on jobs and estimates via Blockworx, but they will remain in CPL as a regular PL account.

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