Blink - Card Payments

Blink - Card Payments

InfoThis article is part of the Client Payments section.

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The Blink integration allows you to accept card payments from clients either through the Web Portal or directly in CPL.

Card Payments in the Web Portal

Clients can pay by card through the Web Portal. Here's how:

  1. Click Make Payment on the Home page.

  2. The Payment section will appear on the left.

  3. Amount to Pay will default to the current balance, but you can adjust it.

  4. Click Pay Via Credit Card Instead:

Clicking Process Payment will use the Go Cardless integration to make an instant bank transfer, instead of using a credit or debit card.

  1.  Once you're happy with the amount, click Process Credit Card Payment:

  2. The Card Billing Information screen will appear. Enter the details and click Pay.

The payment will appear instantly on the Transaction Activity tab of the client's CPL account.

Manual Payments in CPL

To take a card payment in CPL (over the phone or in person):

  1. Open the client's account and click on the Make Payment icon:

  2. Or navigate to the main Clients tab and click Payments in the action panel at the bottom:

  3. In the Daily Posting screen:

    1. If you're accessing the screen from the main Clients tab, select the client from the Account Number field.

    2. Enter the Post Amount.

    3. For Payment Type, select Credit Card - Telephone.

    4. Click Post.

A new window will appear for entering the client's card and personal details. Click Charge to process.

You'll see a confirmation message: Success if the payment went through, or Error if it didn't:


If you see an Error message, do not attempt the payment again to avoid duplicates. Contact Support for assistance.

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