Sending Mail Merge Communications to External Print Providers

Sending Mail Merge Communications to External Print Providers

InfoThis article is part of the Mail Merge section.

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If you're sending documents to an external printing service, as outlined  here, follow these steps when running a mail merge to send your communication:

  1. Click Print/Send:

  1. A progress bar will appear:


  1. A pop-up message will appear. Do not click OK yet:


  1. The Word template opens in the background. Click its icon in the taskbar to bring it to the front.

  2. Review the template any necessary adjustments.
    1. You can add more text and mail merge fields, just like when you created the template. 
      1. Learn more about adding mail merge fields here and here.
    2. If there are multiple recipients:
      1. Use the arrows in the Mailings tab to navigate between them.
      2. To search for a specific client, click Find Recipient:

  3. When ready, return to the pop-up window and click OK.
    1. Click Yes in the next warning that appears:

  4. The progress bar will display both the number of prints and emails, along with the stages of the process.
    1. Once complete, a pop-up message and the progress bar will confirm the mail merge is finished.
    2. The batch number will also be shown:

  5. Clients who have opted for email, will receive their communication via email.

  6. Clients who have not opted for email will have their documents sent to the external printer:
    1. The Merge Documents and Print Externally window will open. 
    2. The selected template will appear in in the top-left corner.
    3. To add attachments, click Add Attachment.
    4. To add additional templates, click Add Document Template.
      1. Additional templates cannot be edited, they are added as-is.
    5. To reorder the files, click on Move Up or Move Down.
    6. To remove a file, click Remove.
    7. To view a file preview, select a file on the left.
    8. You can change the orientation or zoom of the preview using the icons beneath it.
    9. When you're ready, click Merge And Send:

  7. A confirmation message will appear, signaling the end of the process:

  1. Close the Merge Documents and Print Externally window.

  2. The communication has been sent and a copy is saved in the Letters Documents tab of the recipients' accounts.

NotesIf you added attachments and some recipients don’t use an email, the attachments will only be saved on the Letters Documents tab if system option "Document Mail Merge Save Attachments For Printed" is turned on.

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