Purchase Ledger Invoices Import

Purchase Ledger Invoices Import

This article is part of the Imports section.

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This guide walks you through using the PL Invoices Import tool to upload purchase ledger invoices for your PL accounts.

Getting Started

If your import is set up to include PDF attachments, copy the PDF files to the RPM\DataImports\PLInvoices folder on the network drive that contains the CPL folders.

The last column of the .csv file must contain the exact names of the PDFs:

Then, follow these steps:
  1. Go to the Tools menu.

  2. Select Data Import from the drop-down, then choose PL Invoices.

This will open the Invoice Import Wizard on the Data File Import screen.

Uploading the File

Here you'll find the import templates you've requested, which CPL has configured for you. CPL will also provide a sample .csv file to assist you before you start importing PL invoices.

To upload your file:
  1. Highlight the appropriate import template.

  2. Click the folder icon in the bottom-right corner to browse for the .csv file:

Make sure the file isn't open, as open files cause import errors.
  1. Select the file and click Open to begin the upload. A progress bar will appear and a pop-up will confirm when this is complete. Click OK.

  2. When the progress bar reaches 100%, it will show the number of processed payments. Click Show Details for more information:

  3. If you see "0 rows were not understood", it means all rows were processed successfully. If issues appear in red, they need to be resolved before proceeding. Click Next:

Validating the Data

On the Validation screen each payment appears in the grid at the top, displaying one of the following icons:
  1. green tick indicates that the payment row can be imported: 
  2. stop sign shows that there are missing posting details, preventing import: 
  3. document with an arrow indicates it has been imported previously and will not be imported again: 

Review and resolve any data issues:

  1. Check the box in front of each row you wish to import.
Only the rows marked with a green tick can be imported.
  1. To organise the grid by the symbols, click on the empty cell above the column. An arrow will appear. Click the cell again to reverse the row order:


  2. To view details for a specific row, click on it to display the details in the Posting Details section at the bottom. Here you can adjust some details as needed.

    For example, you can import PL invoices using apportionments or clients:

    1. You can change the apportionment by selecting one from the drop-down.

    2. To change the client, click on the binoculars icon to search for them:

To search for a client, follow these steps:
  1. Enter the client's name, address or account number in the search box.

  2. Highlight the correct result.

  3. Click Open Client to view the client account (optional). Click Select to choose the client:

  4. You can also use the Search by Balance Due checkbox to enter a balance range and display clients who owe within that range:

Once you've finished selecting a client, click on another row in the grid to refresh the selection there. 

  1. You'll also need to address any other missing information until the stop sign turns into a green tick.
  1. Each payment will auto-select in the Select column once it has all the required details:

The Invoice Path hyperlink will take you to the invoice that will be attached. Be sure to double-check that it's correctly linked:

  1. Once you are ready, click Next.  

Posting the Data

The Invoice Posting screen displays the selected invoices. Review them before posting to CPL. If you need to make changes, click Back to return to the Validation screen.

Once you've confirmed everything is correct, click Post to process the invoices. Click Show Details to double-check that everything is being posted correctly.

 The progress bar will update and once finished, click Next to continue.

Summary Screen

Processing Report message appears, followed by the Data Import Invoice ReportThis lists the posted invoices and the batch number:

You can save or print this report using the icons at the top.

This is the final step of the import process. Click Finish to complete it.

The invoices are posted to the Hold File as unreleased and appear in the Transaction History tab of the relevant purchase ledger accounts. 

The PL Control nominal is also updated. To check this, go to Reports > Nominal Reports > Nominal Batches Report, then enter the batch number in the filter on the left.

The PL Invoices Import can also post credits to PL accounts if you use negative amounts in the .csv.

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